On the way over he encountered a hurricane, and lost his rigging. Overdue by weeks, he threw his gun
overboard to avoid the temptation of shooting his dog, who was drinking a share of the water. When they were finally ashore, after being picked up and towed in by a US patrol boat (who initially mistook them for a surfaced enemy submarine!) – Trixie came out of the boat a bright shade of red. The dye from the lifejackets had leached out into the bilges, and absorbed into her fur.
Dingle’s boat was called the GAUNTLET. Just a child when her father did the crossing, years later his
daughter, Muriel, married Ernest Gauntlett. It must have been fate. Or maybe she had an attachment to the name. The boat eventually perished in a boat yard in St Georges. The family continues to live in Bermuda.
See more about the story here: Modern Sinbad Royal Gazette & Modern Sinbad Story
So, all in all, we think it’s a pretty good name.
MODERN SINBAD is a purpose built boat, a Newton 36” Dive Special, and is designed to make diving as safe and as easy as possible.
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